November 03, 2010

And this is why I treasure Elayne....

Sunday turned out to be a roller coaster of emotions. But, I survived. Monday afternoon I realized I was losing something I loved. Fear is the only word I can use to describe what was going through my head. I ran to the store for something and when I pulled into my driveway, this Iris was blooming in my front yard.

Let me tell you something about this iris. It began as a bulb that my grandma, Elayne, dug out of her garden. She had the most beautiful garden! Whenever we would go visit her, grandma would send us home with plants to put in our garden. I have always been so proud. I point out "grandma's plants" to anyone and everyone who will listen. I treasure them.

I live in Utah. No Iris should be blooming right now.

When I pulled in and saw that lone iris in my yard, I smiled. You see, my grandma was always there for me when I was young.  And that is why I "treasure Elayne!" She still seems to always be there for me!

I know  this post is more of a personal nature. However, it seemed only fitting to post it on my "TreasureLayne" page!


  1. Beautifully said. She was and still is a treasure! I look at my Iris the same. I love that one bloomed just for you this week!!
    Now I'm crying like a fool. ;) Sorry this week was so hard for you. Wish I could make it all better. Love you tons!

  2. Thanks for this post. I miss her!! Now I will think of her every time I see your photography name :)
