July 27, 2011

My Ryanne


today my Ryanne turned 12. yep, i said it, 12. it is totally cliche to say time has flown. TIME HAS FLOWN! it seems like yesterday she was a chubby 2 year old. 
i clearly remember how well she "slipped" into our family. I am reminded every day that i will learn more from ryanne than she will ever learn from me.
ryanne is funny, kind, sensitive, beautiful and loved by all. to know her is to love her.
happy birthday, sweet ryanne.

July 24, 2011

Faces of Zuri

 I love to photograph to people. I believe that every photograph tells a story. While I love the happy, smiley stories told by many pictures, I absolutely adore the stories told by unconventional photographs. 
This is Zuri. I met her the day she was born. She is my neighbor and friend. Zuri is very passionate. She has no problem expressing her thoughts and feelings. These aren't always expressed by words. Often times, Zuri lets you know what she is thinking or feeling by the look on her face. She is almost always happy and smiling. She is beautiful and it would be hard to take a bad picture of her. 
Here are the "not so conventional" pictures that I took of Zuri. 
I couldn't resist.(Keep in mind that this was a 2 hour photo shoot)
I won't bore everyone  with the thoughts and emotions that accompany each image. BUT, if you know Zuri, you know exactly what story she is trying tell in each photo.

Honestly, I can't imagine my life without Zuri in it. I love each half smile and squinty glare that she has given me!
I hope you love being "3" beautiful Zuri!!

July 19, 2011


For those of you who know Brooke, she is beautiful on the inside and out. I have known her since she was little. I was honored to photograph her. She has grown into an amazing young woman!

July 18, 2011

July 11, 2011

a few more...

Preview of the "P" family

I love taking pictures. I love taking pictures of friends and friends families. This family and I go back 20 years. But aren't hey good lookin'?

These are only a few. More to follow.